Sunday, January 31, 2010

Teachable Moments

Every now and again as Lydia and Will grow and mature we have these really great conversations and teachable moments and I think maybe they won't need therapy after all when they're adults! I am marveling at the grasp our children have about God and Jesus and what sin is. Tonight in the car we talked about choosing friends and choosing the kind of people that we want to be around. Lydia is frustrated with a friend who seems to lie often and for no good reason. She has even told this girl that lying is "bad" and she might not want to be her friend if she keeps lying. We were able to talk about how utterly important it is to always tell the truth, how we still care for and love people, but don't have to be friends with everyone. Lydia said that lying is from Satan and that he tempts us to do things that are bad! She is learning the Lord's prayer and explained temptation to us right down to Adam and Eve and the apple! Amazing... I am truly thankful for a church filled with godly people who are pouring their time and their lives into my children!
I love these everyday moments where we are just doing life together and for a few minutes our children are talking with us and sharing with us. This week I am considering a TV fast and have told the kids that their TV time is limited to 1 hour a day. I know, I know... should be this way all along! After all, I am the model to them of how to spend time! We are going to read more, play more and grow more! I want my children to know who they are in Christ, who they are as Tirakis's, what is truly important in life and how much they matter to us.
So, maybe today we won't put that quarter in the "therapy jar!"

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